Café Antonio: Unplugging the Coffee for Weddings
When people attend a wedding, they probably remember the wedding reception more than the wedding ceremony itself. And when they attend a reception, they would probably ooh and aah over the venue and the ambience, but they would remember most the food they ate. That is why most couples make sure that to make their wedding – and wedding reception – worth remembering, they give a lot of consideration to the catering service and the food, especially with Filipinos being noted as a people who love to eat.
Filipinos’ love affair with gustatory delights has been well chronicled, and one of the developments that have been observed is the growing fondness for coffee, as evidenced by the numerous coffee shops sprouting all over. So when planning to get married, why not offer something different by hiring a coffee-catering service that would make sure guests would cap off their meal with delicious coffee?
Café Antonio has its own coffee nook along the National Highway that can seat only 30 people and therefore perfect for small, intimate gatherings.
But with Coffee Unplugged serving during weddings, guests need not go to Laguna for a taste of Café Antonio’s specialty coffee, described as free from primary defects, has undergone meticulous processing according to stringent standards, and rationed and brewed according to the proper duration and temperature. With Coffee Unplugged, guests can line up at the booth and wait to be served coffee that is individually brewed with the “pourover” method, which is a Japanese method of freshly grinding and manually brewing each coffee serving by the cup. Definitely no instant, 3-in-1 concoctions here!
Café Antonio prides itself in possessing a wide selection of coffee from different parts of the world, from Colombia in Latin America, Ethiopia in Africa, and Sumatra in Asia. Of course, they also serve our very own kapeng Barako. Their “single origin specialty coffee” from Latin America and Africa are expertly roasted Luca & Tosh Coffee Lab of Subic in Zambales, and ground and brewed upon order. Their premium Philippine coffee blends, meanwhile, are the product of expert roasting by the 18 Days Coffee Roaster in Makati City.
Café Antonio’s coffee offerings come in hot or iced espresso blends. Their bestseller espresso blend is their Owltonio blend which is not too light nor too strong, and whose toasty sweet aroma works well with lattes and iced coffees. Their single origin bestseller, on the other hand, is the Ethiopian sidamo which has a floral and fruity aroma and tastes like tea. For those who opt for less caffeine yet are not crazy for decaffeinated coffee, there is the “sleepy time blend” which is made from 100% Philippine Arabica and has a smooth and clean taste.
Coffee Unplugged by Café Antonio – a guarantee to make wedding banquets as unique as their coffee blends.